Every bridge player knows that it is only logical to go after over tricks in match-points in order to outstrip…
Today’s deal is from a match-point event. West had two opportunities to shine but missed both of them. Let us…
This post has been inspired by another post on the same topic, published by our fellow blogger V N Ramamoorthy…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, Yes, sometimes Bridge can be a matter of Life and Death! In a Team…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, Yes, sometimes Bridge can be a matter of Life and Death! In a Team…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, This game of bridge is for everyone. Bridge is a great leveller and it…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, The game of bridge is for gentlemen; a term which includes gentle women. It…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, You need to have faith, both in religion and bridge. After all, we have…
Today’s hand is from an IMP match where declarer executed a fabulous squeeze of a rare variety, in a part-score…
V N Ramamoorthy Ladies and Gentlemen, Prima facie, there is nothing in common between Politics and Bridge per se. But…
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