Priyanka Gulati

If ( inspired by Rudyard Kipling)

If only I can keep my head
And think of what is led
When partner is calling for slam
I missed it again.. Damn!!
Oh what a shame
Tournament is not my game

And the opponent called it a penalty
The points are the only realty
The missed finesse was staring at me…
God, Can I just flee?
Oh what a shame
Tournament is not my game

If only i had bid that 6NT … lame
And think and aim
If only proper bids are spoken
And trust not broken
Oh what a shame
Tournament is not my game

Can you guess what I did?
Missed my partners GF bid
But the very next round he played like a king
To make those imps swing
But for me its amen
To Cappilletti, Lebensohl, Bergen and Stayman
Oh what a shame
Tournament is not my game

To bid or pass
I learnt in class
Only if I could remember all
My IMPs would not fall
How could I play so wrong?
But need to come back strong

Partner lets book the day
For the next tournament play
For its my aim
To make tournament my game

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


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Sukrit Vijayakar

View Comments

  • I love to play tournament bridge,
    It's my favorite pastime,
    I bid with precision,
    And always in rhyme.

    I use all the new conventions,
    I know them all by heart,
    I bid with style and flair,
    And never do depart.

    I'm a master of 2/1,
    And a fan of Precision,
    I'll bid with Roman Key-Card,
    With the utmost precision.

    I'll take you to the slam,
    With my Gerber and Blackwood,
    I'll make you smile and laugh,
    As we play this game so good.

    So come and play with me,
    In this game of skill and wit,
    We'll have a blast together,
    As we bid and play and hit.

Published by
Sukrit Vijayakar
Tags: Priyanka

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