
Nikki Mehra – RIP

Vijit Berry

Many of you would have known Nicky Mehra (Nicky95) far better than i knew her.

But she really was a larger than life personality. Always laughing and a fun person. And that's the way i will always remember her. She was very very fond of playing bridge. And all of you who knew her knew that.

A lot of us would be aware of the fact that she was nursing her husband who is a cancer patient. She used to often say "I wish I go before him because I don't know what I would do without him. And, unfortunately for us, God granted her wish sooner than we would have liked it to happen.


From her point of view, we have to be grateful that she went out on a high. She spent the afternoon with her friends at lunch. Subsequently she went to play cards with a few of her close friends at a club. Since she was feeling uneasy, she decided to leave early. When she informed her son, he told her to get herself checked in to a nursing home where she passed away before any treatment could be administered.


As a mark of respect to her I fished out one of her last few hands she played on 16 Nov 2022 and here it is.

Nicky opened this hand with 1S, probably undervaluing her doubleton diamond queen. When her partner passed, she rebid her her 5 card suit figuring that her values would allow make up for the missing length.

Her partner had no way to figure out her actual playing strength so she passed. Once the club king fell doubleton, she had no problems making 10 tricks!

This epitomises Nicky, always delivering more than she promised.

She was an ACB member from the very start to the very end. She loved playing all our events but her particular favourite was Nite Owls. And as a mark of respect we dedicate tonight's nite owls tournament in her memory.

But we also realise that not all her friends play the nite game and tomorrow 18 Nov our morning event will also be held in her memory as well, so that all her friends get a chance to say a final Bridge farewell to her.

May your journey into the world beyond this be a peaceful one. We remember you Nicky with tears in our eyes but more than anything we remember the fun and laughter in your eyes.

RIP Nicky Mehra.

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Sukrit Vijayakar

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  • Nicky was a really larger than life personality. Full of fun and laughter is really the way most of her friends remember her - RIP Nicky.

  • I am still in shock and can’t believe it . She was a dear friend who was full of life . Will miss you Nicky .

    • Will always remember Niki as a vibrant n positive person…. Full of life! I’m in complete shock about her sudden departure….. will miss her. RIP

  • Will miss you dearly dear Nicky. yes we met very late in life just like you said ! Wish you peace on ur onward journey. RIP my dear 🙏 timpy

  • Can’t believe you are gone Nicky ☹️ Met you in the late 80’s and credit goes to you for introducing me to bridge in Delhi 🙏 first bridge kitty at the Friends club . Gone too soon but always in our hearts , Om Shanti Om 🙏❤️

  • Dearest Nicky was shocking whn I landed Dubai nd my phone….. Nicky is no more really couldn’t believe it still I m in a shocking state nd not ready to except d realities of life. She was a very loving 🥰 nd a dearest friend of mine. I m out of India cannot attend the last prayer 🙏 may her soul rest in peace 🙏🙏

Published by
Sukrit Vijayakar

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