
The Land of Bridge: The Partnership Compatibility Quiz

Priya Balasubramanian

It is the aim of every citizen in the Land of Bridge to land partners such as Ram and Krishna (for context please refer to the previous article here). However, as we progress towards this aim, sometimes, we fall short.

In order to facilitate them, the Ministry of Partnership Matters in the Land of Bridge has instituted a partnership compatibility quiz. Every citizen has to mandatorily appear for the quiz.

Breaking News! Inside scoop!! We, at the Journalist Times, have investigated and  discovered some of the questions in the partnership quiz.  Printed here below for your reading pleasure.

1.If you have a choice on where to play, how easy is it for you to decide?

    1. We both switch on our computers and get on to BIBO/Genuine Bridge.
    2. We have a long discussion on where to play.
    3. We argue and it goes on and while discussing, we find the tourney has already started.

2. What is your reaction after a bad day at the tourney?

  1. We call each other and go through the deal record, each readily agreeing to our mistakes, hoping to avoid them in the future
  2. One or both of you are very defensive and more often than not reach out to a third party to pronounce verdict.
  3. You both are extremely busy especially after a bad day at the tourney, and can’t find the time to discuss.

3. When you partner lays down the dummy, what is your reaction?

  1. Thank you partner; this is exactly what you promised me.
  2. Sigh! The inveterate over bidder (doesn’t he/ she understand Pass is a bid), I will need at least two finesses to work to make this contract. And the opponents were not making theirs.
  3. You understand the sympathetic look from your opponent as he doubles you.

4. When you are out on work and not playing bridge and run into your partner?

  1. You make time for a cup of coffee where you comfortably spend time discussing bridge and other weighty matters
  2. You greet him/her and run off citing work
  3. You hide behind the nearest pillar and emerge only when partner has left the area.

5. The opponents are pesky and competing without points. You want your partner to do something intelligent. With no way of communicating you double

  1. Partner understands your predicament and bids perfectly rendering the opponents powerless.
  2. Partner is mystified and fails to do something intelligent. You are aggrieved a little, but you think to yourself, "Hey, how can he be intelligent - he after all chose me as a partner".
  3. Partner is mystified and blunders and your resultant freezing stare at partner puts Dementors to shame.

6. The opponents reach a 3N contract after you over called hearts. You promptly double and partner is on lead.

  1. There is a long pause. When a heart is not led, you are absolutely sure partner is void in that suit.
  2. There is a long pause that has you on tenterhooks. When heart is not led, you are a little upset, but wonder whether he has none to lead.
  3. There is a long pause. Its an agonizing wait. A club is led. The opponents chalk up nice tricks after flushing out your Ace of club. Your worst fears are realized when you see partner discard two small hearts.


Mostly 1s - Congratulations, hold onto your partner

Mostly 2s - you have to work on your relationship

Mostly 3s - don’t flog a dead horse. Sign up to the nearest grief counseling centre and after upload your profile in Splinter.

As my friend, Fali, often quotes, maybe the secret to a compatible partnership is to first focus on your mistakes rather than that of partner.

"Umar bhar Ghalib yahi bhool karta raha,
Dhool chehre pe thi, aur aaina saaf karta raha!"

Don’t forget to tell us how you fared!

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


Registration Links

Raj Jayaram Memorial Register for Event27th June, 2024, 3:00 pm
Gondwana Open Teams Register for Event8th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
Gondwana Open Pairs Register for Event10th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
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Priya Balasubramanian

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Priya Balasubramanian
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