What to lead?

   L Subramanian Today's deal is from a match point tournament where you find yourself holding the following collection. After…

8 hours ago

Crime and Punishment

   L Subramanian Today’s hand is from an eight-deal Chicago event with total point scoring. We are not presenting this…

1 week ago

More on Trump Management

   L Subramanian This is another one of those 'Look before you leap' series with the title of the post…

1 month ago

The Newly Selected Indian Womens Team

After a double round robin featuring the top nine ranked pairs in the country, the following three pairs emerged on…

2 months ago

Putting Trumps to work

   L Subramanian Everyone knows how important it is to make an overtrick in match-points. Experts always look for opportunities…

2 months ago

The Newly Selected Indian Mixed Team

After a gruellng selection trial featuring the top eighteen ranked pairs in the country, the following three pairs emerged on…

2 months ago

The Indian Mixed Teams Eliminations

The elimination round for the selection of the Indian Mixed team is just over. Our hearty congratulations to the pairs…

2 months ago

The Newly Selected Indian Open Team

After a gruellng selection trial featuring the top ten ranked pairs in the country, the following three pairs emerged on…

2 months ago

A lucky guess and a field top!

   L Subramanian Today's deal requires a little bit of luck and excellent technique thereafter Picture yourself in 6NT on…

3 months ago

Beyond Finessing

When we start playing bridge, one of the first things one learns is about finessing. Then, as one progresses, one…

4 months ago

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