The HCL foundation hosted an invitational tourney in the previous week. 12 teams featuring most of the top players in the country played against each other in a round robin over 4 days before 4 teams viz. Mixed Raise, Formidables, Hemant Jalan and Shree Cement qualified to play in the semi finals.
The semifinals were very closely fought with both winners, Formidables and Shree Cements winning by around 10 imps each over 40 boards!
In the finals, Formidables showed their superiority as a team, beating Shree Cements comfortable by 50 imps. We present below a the last board from the finals where the victors reached a slam in one room with their partners escaping with minor sacrifice in the other.
Upcoming Events
The Bridge Calendar for the next few weeks is packed with a lot of exciting events with many more in the pipeline. As of now, the following events are coming up on RealBridge
TVS Mobility Swiss Pairs (29-May to 30 May). This high prize money, Swiss Pairs tournament is sponsored by the TVS group. It also offers Federation Master Points
Dr. KK Bhatnagar Mixed Pairs National Tournament (04-Jun to 06-Jun). This mixed pairs tournament, in addition to having attractive prize money of Rs. 75,000, also awards ranking points for the selection trials.
Keep watching our upcoming events table to stay abreast of the latest in the bridge schedule.
The Tale of the Two Tables: HCL Invitational Team Tourney
- PriyaBalasubramanian
Charles Dickens’s iconic book, The Tale of two cities, begins with the line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….” This phrase is very apt now. We have access to the best of bridge from the comfort of our homes but on the flip-side is the ever-present danger and deprivation of our normal routine. Vacations, theatres and restaurants appear to be a thing of the past. In all this, the only thing I don’t miss is the trip to the amusement park. Bridge hands especially in IMP duplicate matches are the equivalent of rollercoaster rides.
One such exciting hand happened in the tail end of the HCL invitation team tourney.
On Table#1, West dealer vulnerable holding a 6-1-0-6 hand bids 1♠ and his LHO doubles. This double slows down the auction and gives West the chance to show his great distributional hand and his second suit at the three level when his RHO bids 2♦ after East’s pass. The doubler now overcalls 3♥ on West’s 3♣. East sitting with length in both the red suits realises West’s extreme shortness in them and shows support by bidding 4♣. This is now enough for West to bid small slam hoping for an Ace with partner.
On Table#2, a Michael's cue bid (showing hearts and minor) was used after the 1♠ bid. After this bid, when RHO bid 3♥, West was forced to bid his second suit at the 4 level. North now bid 4♥ which East doubled and West maintained. North-South were thus able to buy the contract for a cheap -100.
On Table#1 6♣ was bid and made and Table#2 4♥ x went down by one.
These are the type of stomach-churning rides one can expect in this high-quality bridge field.
The hands are as below.
Table #1Table #2
Playwise, for the 6♣ contract, the declarer needs to read the distribution without the Michael’s cue bid shining the light. However, with North’s double of 1♠ and the bidding, the ♠J finesse is a certainty. North has shown 5 or more hearts; 5 only as his partner has now supported at the 5 level. North also has 5 diamonds, as with 5 diamonds and 3 hearts, South is likely to pass 5♦X rather than correct to 5♥. That leaves North with 3 cards in the black suit. When he follows to the two clubs, the spade finesse becomes automatic.
Bidding wise, on Table#1: the 4♦ bid by North shows ♦ control likely first round, and the X of 5♦ by East was probably anti slam. In West’s own words, “Despite the anti-slam bid I pushed on. From my side ♣Axxx is enough with partner even if he has wastage in diamonds. All I need is that clubs don't break 4-0, or if they break 3-1, the spades don't break 5-0”
The moral of this story is: if you are craving for excitement in your life, head to the nearest bridge table online.
PS: Many thanks to Subhash Bhavnani for the technical edit.
PPS: Thanks to Rajeshwar Tewari for taking me through his thinking both in bidding and play.
View Comments
As usual very well summarized priya on this slam deal
Wests bid thoughtful and couragious,might hv taken long pause before bid.....what was the score before this board?is interesting to know....