How much should ranking points count?

Dr. Mukund Jagannathan

For the first time, I actually watched with keen interest, the progress of various pairs for the right and privilege to represent India.

I had some idea of the format, but needed to speak with some educated gentry for clarifications. I was also informed that it was a significant change from last year’s selection trials.

As a recent re-entrant into this game, I am struggling to re-establish my own credentials. However, I still follow the game keenly, and I believe that I am entitled to make some observations.

Some basic questions come to mind..

  • How do you select people to represent your country?
  • Should all be dependent on the performance at the specified event?
  • What about past performances?
  • Does consistency in, say, the last 6 months to a year entitle one to a special status?
  • Should it be team based or pair based?
  • What about pair performances by people who unfortunately have relatively weaker team mates, thus not registering any major titles?

I agree, it is a difficult job. What was seen this year, in terms of weightage points was, I am told, more fair than the last selection trials. However, I think this can be further modified to make it fairer.

At this stage, I want to make it clear that I have NO vested interests. I am not FOR or AGAINST any player or pair, or even team. Sitting on the sidelines, I have made some observations, which may please be taken in the spirit they were made.
Weightage points are necessary. In all major tournaments, in all major games, seeds are protected; UPTO A POINT.

My feeling is that it should be applied till a stage of the event, but not till the end. The actual percentage of points can be discussed, and used depending on the number of pairs taking part. I am referring to it’s applicability depending on the stage of the event.

I agree that selection of pairs is preferable to choosing a team per se. But even here, there have to be opportunities for pairs who have done well by themselves, even if their team has not progressed. For this, we need a Butler ranking of every pair in every major event to be kept as a record. This will serve as a database to choose potential candidates from.

Secondly, the weightage points should be valid upto a stage of the tournament. Definitely NOT for the last stage. If pairs have made it, despite lack of significant weightage points, after two grueling stages, I think the playing field should be leveled. There should be no weightage points for the final selection.

One may argue that a pair could be lucky as opposed to being really good…but over 2 grueling stages AND the final, the luck will balance out. Eventually one has no guarantees about how a particular pair will perform at the world event anyway.

I do believe there are several good pairs. I also believe that the difference between most pairs is marginal. One has to be fair to all, hence the playing field should be leveled.

There were some additional points awarded for CC etc, which I didn’t understand really. These may be too few and too small to make a difference.

These are my observations. Once again, I make them without prejudice.

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.

We invite all views as comments on this post.


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Raj Jayaram Memorial Register for Event27th June, 2024, 3:00 pm
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3 thoughts on “How much should ranking points count?”


    Yes all three selected pairs are from team formidable where they have earned most of their ranking points. They are undoubtedly the best players of the country but there are some more. So when a selection is based on pairs performance not as a team then individual pairs weighted average annual performance with a minimum amout of participation should get priority. Writting of system card is really a technical issue and should not come as a point for selection. A coaching camp should preceed the final selection. Then a gruelling 6 days round robin match to be played out of those say 12 pairs to have a test of endurance too. And that should be the only criteria for final selection. Any player unable to go should give the right to next pair only.

  2. dear all i agree with most of observations made by dr mukund .
    1) ranking points should be awarded based on number of pairs participating.
    2) butler scoring of ranking point tournament of pairs should be kept in record and should also be considered .
    3) selection rounds should be more rigorous in term of number of deals .
    4) in the final there may be 8 or 6 pairs where there should not be any ra
    nking pts.
    tx all

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