Daily News 14-Dec-20


Weekly IMP Pairs

Prize winners from 09-Dec-20 can register free of cost. Do sign up in large numbers.


Coming soon

Kolkata Union Club All India Championship

In two weeks time, the above championship, with a minimum assured prize money of Rs. 1 Lakh will begin.

We will have both teams and pairs events. To know more about the event click here



Prabha Kunder Memorial

The overnight leaders, the trio of Aloke Sadhu, Vibhas Todi and Ajay Bagaria maintained their supremacy all of yesterday to win comfortably, even without their right fully earned carry over.

In an extremely impressive performance, Arnab Ghosh and Babhrubahan Bose, who just nosed into the finals, galloped ahead of everybody else to finish second.

A special word of appreciation for the youngster Subhashree Basu who, along with Dipankar Halder and Rounak Ghosh, finished fifth.

The prizes are as below:

  1. Winner         Rs. 12,000    Vibhas Todi, Aloke Sadhu, Ajay Bagaria
  2. Second          Rs.  8,000    Arnab Ghosh, Babhrubahan Saha
  3. Third             Rs.  6,000    Bhabesh Saha, Shambhu Ghosh
  4. Fourth           Rs. 4,000     Pradeep Govil, Anup Mahajan
  5. Fifth              Rs. 3,000      Subhashree Basu, Dipankar Halder, Rounak Ghosh

In addition to these, we have the following specials prizes

  1. Top IOC pair               Rs. 3,000    Sarthak Behuria, Sutanu Behuria, Nikita Kamal
  2. Second IOC pair         Rs. 2,000    Maxy Pinto, Prakash Achar
  3. Best Mixed pair          Rs. 2,000    Subhash Gupta, Asha Sharma
  4. Second Mixed pair     Rs. 1,000    Kamal Naguri, Vasanti Shah

Click here for the combined results of both sessions.

To see the play as it happened, click here

Weekly Wednesday Pairs, 16-Dec-20

The event comes up soon. Please do post your entries as soon as possible.

Click here to see last week's results of play.

Kolkata Union Club All India Bridge Tournament

The Union Club, Kolkata will be conducting an open bridge tournament from 24-27 December. This tournament will have attractive cash prizes sponsored by the Atha Group. Registrations are now open. Eagerly await turn out in large numbers.

Start registering for the event by clicking here

For those of you who have not played on RealBridge yet, we do conduct free trial events from time to time. Do make it apoint to attend them and try out this amazing software.

Shri Murli Deora Memorial Pairs

The name of Shri Murli Deora will always be etched in our minds for his patronage of bridge, apart from his many other accomplishments in the political arena. To commemorate his birth anniversary on the 10th of January, Mrs. Hema Deora, a very accomplished bridge player herself, and family are sponsoring a day long event that day. The first prize for the event will be Rs. 50,000 and a trophy to the winner. More details will be published soon.


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