The Indian Bridge Player – and other stories


The Indian Bridge Player

Priya Balasubramanian

The Bridge Player

He tosses restlessly, unable to sleep
A business problem you may wonder
The real reason will make you weep
It’s the cold contract that he blundered



                Devi with a Lamp

The power is cut and city shrouded in black
For once, the city takes a step back
Somewhere by the candle light you hear a mobile’s clack clack
The tourney goes on and she must play the Jack

The discussions are heated and nobody has retreated
With fervor, arcane points of law debated
In this court, what heinous crime is contemplated?
Calm down, it’s neither murder nor pillage, but bridge that is debated


At the dinner table, his wife asks more sauce?
His mind on the game, he says pass
The children and his wife shake their head en masse
His family is by now used to it, Alas!

For the bridge player, the game is man’s best invention
Seasons come and go but bridge is never out of fashion
The kindest man, when he plays he shows no compassion
For him, Bridge is an obsession not just a passion.

Other Stories

Sukrit Vijayakar

Today's post has come after a long hiatus. This post would not have started without the help of Priya, who has consistently been urging us to resume posts and, more to the point, actually bothered to learn a little of how to create one. There are many excuses for not doing this more regularly, but I will start and end with the main one.

"We need blog writers to publish and maintain this blog". Would really appreciate somebody stepping up to take on the responsibility of communicating with all bridge lovers.


The past few months has seen a flurry of big ticket events coming on virtually every weekend. Starting with the J M Shah Memorial in early May, not a single weekend appears to have gone by without some major tournament having taken place for the entertainment of the general public.

We have heard groans about how there have been too many events, but we have to say that all of you have gamely participated in all of them with love and enthusiasm which has surely warmed the cockles of the organizers hearts.

This month will see a small hiatus as various states are running their trials for inter state selections. While this means that bridge lovers still get to play a lot of bridge, it would have been localized.

BridgeFromHome, however, has had no respite as it has been assisting in conducting the trials of at least 5 associations. Therefore, our team is planning to be on a total break from bridging activities after the Inter State Championship for at least one week. We really need this break to rejuvenate ourselves and return to serve you with greater dedication.

Last week saw what was arguably the first Live Bridge competitive event in India after a long time. This took place in the form of the Inter-State Selection Trials for Gujarat, which was conducted in Ahmedabad.

This, and other pictures released into several WhatsApp groups by Srinivasan J generated a lot of nostalgia for many of us who long to see each other face to face and share a glass or 3 while indulging in 'elbow exercise'

Hopefully, these days will be back soon.


Are the fears "Unreal" - for "Real"Bridge?

VN Ramamurthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The old adages are getting out of date, sort of!
It was always said "One man's food is another's poison". Well, no more it seems.
Now it should read " One man's sadha meal is another's delicacy? "

And the one " Familiarity breeds contempt " , who says... It is now the other way " Unfamiliarity surely  paves way for sniggers"!

But all said and done, the reality of experience is there to see, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
This game Bridge needs sharp mind, thick skin and thin fingers -
I think I have the first two but alas, not the third one! Often times my commands from brain / mind was disobeyed by my thickset finger!

Don't think I am pointing an accusing finger, it is real
And even khiladis like SRC and Balu, who have composure like a Tibetan monk, get frustrated.

A screen mate of SRC from " Didi land" was constantly clearing his throat and / or picking his teeth or nose, all through the session to his annoyance. KCB reports that for the whole session, the screen mate was constantly eating from metal bowl with a steel spoon, making constant " Cling - clang " , the "bong" seemingly challenging "Khana hobe " .

The latest tidbit I heard from the " Royal" Player is about the all time favorite, Voldemort!. Our man takes out special shorts and sleeveless tops for the occasions on " Real" Platform!
He tantalizingly shows off the lower anatomy, like the screen sirens Rumba or Silk Smita, may be to distract the opponents. But mate, we want to see your " Hand play " rather than your foot-work.

But I do agree that the fears are real for some. Time is a great healer and am sure this will pass too like the pandemic.
New possibilities on the horizon - a formidable solution may be in the offing from the Bridge radar of the Nadars.

In the mean time, keep bridging  and be happy in the "Real" sense!


Upcoming Events

The Bridge Calendar for the next few weeks is packed with a lot of exciting events with many more in the pipeline. As of now, the following events are coming up on RealBridge

  • Independence Day Board A Match (15-August 2021)

    BridgeFromHome invites all of you to celebrate the day with a different type of tournament, one that is not held much even in F2F bridge in India and never for the last several months of online bridge. The tournament will be held in two sessions on Sunday. The number of boards and prizes will depend on the number of participants.Please click the link alongside to register for Indpendence Day Celebrations
  • Aisha Ladies Pairs  (17-18 August 2021) 

    Puja Batra brings this special event for the ladies. It will be held on both days at 3 pm. Prizes worth Rs. 25,000 are on offer.  Ladies do turn out in large numbers to participate and enjoy yourselves.Click here to register for this event

  • BFI Online Inter-State Championships (21 - 29 August 2021)

    This event is starting in a couple of weeks. More details are available on the BFI website

  • HCL Open Tournament (18 - 26 September 2021)

    This tournament promises to be the largest online event in this year in India with the total prize money of Rs. 20 Lakhs. Details of the event have been published in various WhatsApp groups and we expect that the participation in this event will be immense.



Keep watching our upcoming events table to stay abreast of the latest in the bridge schedules.


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