Sanjay Damle Memorial – Day 1

The Sanjay Damle Memorial event started yesterday. 37 teams have participated in the event. As I have been repeatedly mentioning, BridgeFromHome  is truly thankful to your response for the event in the face of many competing events.

To come back to the event, in the light of the response to the event, we have increased the number of qualifiers to 8. They will play in a super league tomorrow consisting of seven rounds of 8 boards each. While we have not mentioned times, it will start at 10 am tomorrow. Three of the seven sessions will be held before lunch.

Yesterday, we played 2 rounds of the Swiss League. The results as of now can be seen here. Of the more well known teams, only Team Monica Jajoo features in the top 8.  Aristos lies 10th. The next big name, Rampage lies in 16th spot. However, with 6 more rounds to go today, a lot of action has yet to take place.

The prizes for the teams event total Rs. 42,000 as shown on the left. Depending on the number of entries in the pairs event, we will announce the prizes for that event. As of now, 45 pairs have registered . We hope that the response for the pairs event is even more phenomenal than for the teams event.

Entries close at 9 pm today.  Please do try and give your entry before the deadline rather than requesting us to extend it. Be aware that we need some time to provide you individual seating and make your life as easy as possible to focus on the game.

Please click here to register for the pairs event.



We leave you with a boards from the second set which I found interesting.

On this hand, only 6 tables out of 72 bid this cold heart slam (I was declarer on one of the 66 other tables). It led me to wonder whether this slam should be bid

The slam will always make if the missing trumps are 2-2 (40%) or, if the trumps break 3-1 (50%), the hand with the 3rd trump has at least 4 spades (a priori 50%, but combined with the hearts, should be lower).

As such, the total probability of this slam is around 60% which suggests it should be bid.

We would welcome comments on this from experts. Please post it in the comments section of the blog for the edification of our readers.



Registration Links

Raj Jayaram Memorial Register for Event27th June, 2024, 3:00 pm
Gondwana Open Teams Register for Event8th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
Gondwana Open Pairs Register for Event10th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
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1 thought on “Sanjay Damle Memorial – Day 1”

  1. The hand quoted is an interesting play problem.
    Let’s first consider club lead.
    If your LHO is Raju tolani, or if you are Raju inspired declarer you’d put up the king, but the others will play small hoping the position isn’t clear to rho and he puts up the ace.

    In either case you’ll likely be disappointed, and since you don’t have enough entries to try and ruff out axx , you’ll eventually take the line suggested by sukrit.

    On a major suit lead, again you’ll try club to king. If ace is rightly placed you can draw 3 rounds of trumps.
    When that fails, you’ll fall back on sukrit’s line.

    A diamond lead gives you a different problem if Trumps are 3-1. Should you draw the 3rd round and play for CA rightly placed? Or should you play for person holding 3 Trumps to hold long spades. I think not.

    Interesting hand.

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