Bridge is a Kaleidoscope

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen

Whoever invented this game must have been a simpleton with a complex mind-set!.

It is all about 2 colors, 3 gunas and 4 suits.

Black & Red in pointed or rounded suits by a vast humanity classified into 3 Gunas - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.

What are these Gunas, you may wonder. Has the blogger gone philosophic or has he gone off the rocker?

Neither. If you sit alone in a corner of the any bridge venue and observe, it will dawn!

People in general and Bridge players in particular fall into three categories or classes

  • Sattvic
    They are complete with goodness, calmness and harmonious. They sit like a rock of Gibraltar or a Tibetan Monk, unaffected by win or lose.
  • Rajasic
    These players are full of passion, activity and movement. They always like to sit East- West in pairs with a lot of movement
  • Tamasic
    They are the un-envied lot. Blessed with ignorance, inertia and laziness. They have a penchant for North - South direction with the least movements.

Whichever house of Gunas you belong, it is better to be smart than brilliant on the table!

Bridge is also Magical๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ”ฎ... You need to wave a magic wand at times and pull a trick or two from thin air !

Check it out before you cross the bridge ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Happy bridging,


Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


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Raj Jayaram Memorial Register for Event27th June, 2024, 3:00 pm
Gondwana Open Teams Register for Event8th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
Gondwana Open Pairs Register for Event10th August, 2024, 9:00 pm
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