Bridge or Chess – Do you mind?

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Does your mind prefer Bridge Or Chess?

Well, it is akin to the age-old teaser : which comes first, egg or chicken?

It is as difficult as that ( except perhaps for the proverbial Sardar who simply said "Arre Paji, whichever you order first, comes first! "😇)

Mind you, both are "Mind games", if you don't mind! And both are played all over the globe with equal fervor 😌

Finite and limited coordinates, with Infinite variations - Simply "Mind boggling", Right?

Is it Chess Or Bridge that is colorful? Well, look at the Napier Bridge in "Namma Chennai" .. It is as evident as Black & White!

Just 32 Men ( call them pieces if you like not to offend ladies) with 64 squares. With just 4 suits and 52 cards. As simple as that, but no - look at plethora of challenges they create for your Grey matter 🙃

In one, the King is moderately more powerful than Queen. In the other, Her Majesty is all powerful in protecting His Highness!

In Bridge you can make "Pass" while in Chess you make a move - with or without offence! But Chess takes offence in a double pass which is "En passant"😉

You can make a variety of Doubles in Bridge - Take out, penalty, support, negative or re-opening and what have you.. But in Chess at best you can double a pawn or a rook!

Does a good chess player automatically qualify as an accomplished Bridge expert - and vice versa? Well, it is a grey area and depends on the Grey matter 🙃

The crux of the matter is, if you "Club" your expertise with your partner / mate, put your "Heart" in, Do your "Spade" work - you are sure to shine like a "Diamond" - on both the table and the board ☺

Both are wars of wits, no bloodshed, just a bloodless coup, thank you!

Now make a sound bid for a smart move!
Check it out, Mate 🙂

Happy bridging above board

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


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