Daily News 09 Feb 2021

Bridge From Home Club

Congratulations to Binod Shaw and Sanjit Dey, winners of our weekly Monday Musings. It was a very close finish with  the difference between 1st and 4th places being less than ⅓ board. Visit our club page for a report on the event.

The next event will be the Wednesday Wonders IMP pairs on Wednesday, 10th February. Please register your entries at the earliest.

Next week's Monday Musings Match Point pairs will be on 15th February.

Interesting Deals from the Last Tournament

Subhash Gupta, playing this deal in the Smt. Laxmi Mujumdar Mem. Mixed Pairs, declared 4♥ as North. The contract appears to hinge on the spade finesse, but watch the play. East led the ♦J won by dummy's ace. Declarer ruffed a diamond, led a heart to East's ace, and won the heart return in dummy. He ruffed another diamond eliminating the suit, and played ♣A and another club. Winning the second club, East would have to lead away from the ♠K. West cannot win the second club without losing club trick. Declarer made the contract even though the ♠K is offside. Only Subhash and Sunil Bhatia executed this line of play. Sunil, however, was pushed one level higher to 5♥ when the opponents competed to 4♠.


Sudhir Chokshi Memorial Swiss Pairs

Sunit Chokshi is proud to host a Swiss Pairs Championship from 19-21 February.

This will start with a couple of rounds on Friday followed by 7 rounds on Saturday. At the end of 9 rounds, the field will be split into gold and silver which will play 7 more rounds on Sunday.

Trios are permitted.

Click here to register.


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All published contributors will receive a free entry to one BFH Club game

Contributions have to be original and not picked up from other websites to be eligible for free tickets.

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