Daily News 23 Feb 2021

Bridge From Home Club

Congratulations to Tilakraj Chowdhury and Debraj Chowdhury, winners of our weekly Monday Musings. In second place were Manas Mukherjee and Prasun Mukhopadhyay. Visit our club page for a report on the event.

The BFH Leaderboard has 4 people on the top spot all with 36 points. The 5th position is only 4 points behind.

The next event will be the Wednesday Wonders IMP pairs on Wednesday, 24th February. This is the last game before the bi-monthly club prizes are declared.
Please register your entries at the earliest.

Next week's Monday Musings Match Point pairs will be on 1st March.

Double Weekly Challenge

For this weekend, Bridge From Home is bringing you a Double Weekly Challenge. This consists of two separate tournaments, one IMP and the other Match Points with special prizes for any pairs who just miss prizes in both events.

The pages for registration and entry for both events will be available by this evening.

So prepare yourselves for a variety of tournaments with flexibility in terms of days being played.

For early clarification, no trios allowed for either event i.e. any pair in an event has to play both sessions of that event.



Be a contributor to BFH News

We would love to have contributions from all players about bridge hands bid or played exceptionally.

All published contributors will receive a free entry to one BFH Club game

Contributions have to be original and not picked up from other websites to be eligible for free tickets.

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