Daily News 29-Dec-20


Weekly IMP Pairs

Join the weekly offering from Bridge From Home

Coming soon

Shri Murli Deora Memorial Pairs

We will be hosting a day long event to commemorate Shri Murli Deora's birth anniversary. Click on the title to register



Weekly Wednesday Pairs

We are yet to see many of you register for tomorrow's event. Do come in large numbers. We love having you with us.

Click Here to register

Click here to see last week's results.

Shri Murli Deora Memorial Pairs

Registration for the Murli Deora Memorial Pairs is now open. Grand prizes and Federation Master Points on offer. Many top pairs have already registered. Do put in your entry soon.

Click Here to register

Kibitzing Server

The Union Club Event featured, for the first time, a delayed broadcast of the matches being played in the knock out stages of the Swiss Teams contest. We present below a few view points, of both players and developers for the consumption of the general public. Our views / comments will be presented in Blue


We received several requests from all of you to keep the delay to the minimum level possible. The issues about the delay are presented below.

  1. The idea behind the delay is to ensure security.
  2. T0o short a delay may mean a player will be able to view the state of the match. It is very difficult to control who is entering a room (this is true of Google meets / zoom as well).
  3. Too long a delay means that the viewing public will have the result well before the game is over.

The minimum delay that is possible is till all sides finish playing a board. We request organizers / regulators to come up with a consensus for setting the delay. Till such time as such a consensus arrives, we will work with a delay of 20 minutes.

It may be noted that VGraphs on BBO come with a delay of 30 minutes. While GMeets can broadcast live, a kibitzing server allows you to see all games being played in the set.

Issues with availability of boards

It was brought to our notice that there may be a case where one match may be able to see the results of another match in advance. This would technically allow a player to view boards that have not been played.

We have forwarded this observation to the developers for their comments. Arguably, a lot of work needs to be done on the server which will probably be taken up at a later time.

We will be happy to have your comments on this post. We will forward relevant observations to the developers.

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