Give Till it Hurts

Hema Deora

These fellows from BridgeFromHome have been pestering me to write about bridge, something which I have been used to doing quite regularly in the past and which I will continue to do in the future as well. However, I am still marveling at my experiences in the post Covid era which have been challenging, enriching, extremely fulfilling and, at the same time humbling and, therefore, feel compelled to share this article which I have penned down about my work with under privileged children in Mumbai.


It’s been barely a year and nine moths and the world is again being captured by the monster, Omicron’s frightening claws! During the Covid-19 pandemic, in the entire world, Bridge players were making the most by bridging on line in their home at comfort zone.

I was also the part of the same category! But, feeling off and on guilty at the back of my mind, being selfish feasting the joy alone!

One morning, I barely lifted my eye lids and my phone tootled, to my surprise one of the NGOs called and enquired if I was willing to teach the under privileged children of the age group of 6 to 4 years? Before blinking my eye lid I sprung out of my bed and replied ‘My Privilege!’ without realizing, what, where and how?

For almost three days and nights I tried to wake my grey cells up wondered how to teach these tiny, innocent toddlers! As they had nothing except their caring frail mother and perhaps tinier siblings. These small souls couldn’t venture to come out to play or peep out of their tiny shanty with the fear of the Pandemic, stayed in through the simmering summer and morose monsoon fury.

I strongly believe, ‘when there is a will there is a way!’ I toddled around and found a mobile phone shop. As I entered, a tall skinny, dark man with a pleasant smile showing off his white teeth welcomed me. Perhaps he had not seen any buyer for many months! I asked him to show me a big size phones with small price! Every time he would take out small phones with big price! This circus went on for a while and finally I bought big size six phones with medium price, keeping both of us happy.

I sent these phones to six children in different areas at Worli slums, in Mumbai, with strict instructions that these gadgets are only for the children when I teach them. I began my first lesson with these lovely kids at sharp 9.30am on their mobile which they had not only handled but neither had seen them. I could see their joy with my teary eyes!  Soon I had created 2nd and 3rd batches of six children in each batch, from 9.30am till 1pm.


We learnt so much from each other, we sang nursery rhymes, we played games, we saw educating videos, we went on picnic and we have been having a wonderful time. We miss each other when there is no class. This was theirs and mine ultimate joy in my life, four times a week for last more than a year!


Long ago, many moons back, when I met Mother Teresa in 1977, she gave me a book written by Desmond Doig on Mother Teresa. She signed and wrote,

I try and obey her. Sometimes in Bridge with penalty too!!

(We are immensely humbled and moved by this activity. We salute you - Eds)

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4 thoughts on “Give Till it Hurts”

  1. Commendable effort,undoubtedly shows when there is a strong will to help others,no obstacle is big enough to deter you from achieving your noble purpose!

  2. Dear Hema,
    The ironical thing about giving until it hurts is that it doesn’t hurt at all! As Mother Teresa said – Whatever we do is just a drop in the Ocean… But the Ocean would be less because of the missing drop!

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