The value of constructive preemption

   L Subramanian

Very often, the urge to preempt at favorable colors is one that most players give in to. Typically, a minor suit preempt should show two of the top three honors, the idea being that partner is likely to bid 3NT with the missing honour and prime cards on the side. Some may want three of the top four honors!

Throwing a spanner in opponent's works by preempts may be a good idea, but it should not come in your way of ‘constructive’ bidding. So, preempt on very good suits and leave it to partner to decide what to do.

‘Strict adherence’ to this requirements of biding is one of the most important things in bridge.

If you care to examine the past results on the times you violated this, you will find that it had cost you bushels of points and sometimes the match. See how ‘indiscipline’ led to a very bad result for N-S in today’s deal from an IMP match.


Contract: 4H by West.

North led the CQ.

How the play went

South won the Ace, West following with the king. Not wanting to play a Diamond or Spade, he shifted to a trump to cut down dummy’s ruff. Declarer allowed it to dummy’s nine, north discarding a Club. Declarer repeated the finesse, drew trumps, broke the spades 3-3, and claimed ten tricks. The complete hands were:


If North had passed initially, South would have opened 1D and west would have overcalled 1H and they are likely to contract for 4H, which is what happened at the other table. North led the D2. South won with the Jack, cashed the Ace, and after cashing the CA, he played the DQ to ‘tap’ the dummy. Declarer could not pick up the trump king and went down.

What a difference!


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