Smiling Assassins

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"Ahimsa - is a bad word in Bridge πŸ™ƒ!"

That one day in every year, when we remember the Mahatma is jut around the corner! You nonchalantly resort to all criminal things all through the year and suddenly you become a lover of peace for one day 😒

Well it is good to be a "Gandhian" in all walks of life, save and except, on the Bridge Table!

Generally speaking, bridge players are noble souls, at the most you can call them "Smiling assassins"!

Words like killing, murder, punching, stabbing maybe taboos, but not in a game of bridge. You put up a baby - face and behind your cards, you are all the time scheming how to give a lethal blow to the unsuspecting opponent - be as a declarer or a defender πŸ˜ƒ

It is an accepted thing, this "Killer instinct" . If you don't like the kill word, I can soften it up by calling it "Euthanasia" ( mercy killing, if you prefer) !

Jesus Christ! Sorry, we don't subscribe to your theory of "Showing your other cheek" when someone slaps us with a card πŸ˜‰. Given the chance, we will happily slap him back with another card!

The good samaritans of bridge fraternity are like the "Carnivoral" beasts waiting behind the bushes ( cards?) to pounce suddenly, braying for your blood πŸ˜‚

It is all in the game, the deceit, murder, back stabbing and what not, all approved by the Code of conduct in Bridge πŸ™ƒ

Still we are Indians, peace loving "Gandhians", except that we become "Blood thirsty" Draculas when dealt with 13 cards!

Happy bridging ( with a killer instinct)

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


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