Pause? Or Hesitation?

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You need to have faith, both in religion and bridge. After all, we have all agreed that the game is like religion.

Notwithstanding the system, gadgets and partnership understanding, you need to have confidence.

Any hesitation while bidding or playing can be a tell-tale giveaway. The moment you hesitate, the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag 🙃

But then the game of bridge needs thinking. If you need to think you need to reflect on the facts and evidences available to you.

So one needs to pause to reflect. And does that amount to hesitation?

Hmmmm... Let us reflect on it.

I have no hesitation to say that this is, indeed, a quixotic situation! Whether you think you are done or whether you don't , you are damned!

Just think about it. Take a deep breath, pause before you pass. But no hesitation please 🙏

Reflect on these facts, no pussy footing when you play bridge.

Happy bridging ,


Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.

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1 thought on “Pause? Or Hesitation?”

  1. Whether you are intentionally hesitating or pausing to think is something that is very difficult to judge by a third person.

    Generally, the Tournament Director will give you the benefit of the doubt, especially if you are not a habitual offender.

    However, if you have gained from that act, then there are grounds for penalty…🤔

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