Old is Gold

I recently had the privilege of playing the Holkar IMPs pairs in Indore with my father, Dr Krishnakumar Vahalia, who had turned ninety-three just ten days earlier. At this age, my father displayed remarkable stamina, playing all four days of the event and performing very well throughout. (If, at that age, we can play bridge

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Ding dong

Today’s deal is from a match-point event. North South had a simple 1♥ – 2♥ – 4♥ auction to reach game South, the declarer received the lead of the Club 10. Plan the play     Analysis With connected cards of K-Q-5 in spades and K-Q-5-4 in clubs and a singleton, you will agree that

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A Fantastic Concept

With both sides vulnerable, your partner, North, opens 1♣ first-in-hand.  East overcalls 1♥. You hold as south ♠ K-7 ♥ Q-8-4-3 ♦ A-J-7-5 ♣K-8-2. What do you do? You cannot make a negative double as you don’t have four cards in spades. A simple cue-bid of 2♥ by you would be a limit raise or better, suggesting five

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Most unusual

If you are able to find the winning defence in today’s a deal from an IMP pairs contest, you can rate yourself as world class. Are you ready?         West, your partner leads the D2. Take the East seat and plan your defence. How the defence went: East won with the Ace

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