Theist or Atheist

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This game of bridge is for everyone. Bridge is a great leveller and it transcends beyond religion, caste, creed and gender.

You may be a believer or non - believer. But believe me, you need to have trust and belief to be successful on the table!

So who plays better? A Theist or an Atheist

I have observed many players who mutter a small prayer before they pick up the cards from the tray for the first board.

Bridge writers and bloggers often write  the Trump suit split so badly, there was no prayer for the declarer" , "Thank God, the suit split 3-3" , or "Oh my God, the Q was singleton all the while " etc.

What does God have to do with bridge? And does it matter if you are a theist or atheist?

God only knows the answer! 😉

But notwithstanding your status, you better believe your partner and trust the partnership!

Yes, bridge is like a religion, whether you believe or not.

Every deal contains a "Hand" of God. Whenever you are at cross roads, you need to seek "Divine intervention "!

Pray, when you are in trouble, being a theist or atheist doesn't matter.

Happy bridging ,


Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.

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