Tricks and Treats

V N Ramamoorthy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gets "Spooky" - on Halloween at the Bridge table as well !

Both have things in common. In both you get Tricks & Treats!

At times, it gets spooky though! One false move and you get kicks instead of tricks 😢

But we were treated alright for good tricks scored by Team Jajoo, because there was a pair of "Pagans" ( study the origin of Halloween to decipher!).

For building a victory, you need "Vas" tu & a " Cool" head! Needless to say this pair worked up a "Jadoo" to take Jajoo to victory. Great show Vasu & Vijay 👏👏👏

When you need a helping hand, in Hindi you say "Jara mera haath Dham lo " - and they joined their hands in Dhamle, alright 👌

Coming to spooky incidence, yesterday in board 12 a ghost took over me 🙃
Look at the beautiful way Kanit pushed me into the heart slam! And it was all hunky dory as I set up everything to score the slam which would have been an absolute top!

Then the Devil took over and when I was cashing my spade winners to discard clubs, I discarded the Club Queen! Which was the entry to cash Diamond winners on the way to 12 tricks 😢

In the flash of a second, the Hero turned a Zero 😭

Whether Halloween or Bridge, you have to watch your tricks to treat yourself... Jara Dham le bhai 😉

I owe an apology and a treat to my partner for sure!

Happy Halloween to everyone. And happy bridging too.

(The play on Hindi words has been left unedited for better reading - Eds)

Disclaimer : All opinions are entirely those of the author and are no reflection of the views of the BridgeFromHome Team.


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